District Training on Climate Change and Community-based Adaptation Planning in Nepal

SAMUHIK ABHIYAN is implementing District Training on Climate Change and Community-based Adaptation Planning in Nepal in consortium with Rupantaran Nepal and National Association of VDCs (Village Development Committee) in Nepal (NAVIN) in 31 districts, funded by ADB Nepal.

SA in consortium with Rupantaran Nepal and National Association of VDCs in Nepal (NAVIN) is implementing 10 months ADB funded project entitled “District Training on Climate Change and Community-based Adaptation Planning in Nepal”. SA will deliver trainings in 31 districts to District officers, VDCs representatives, and local leaders and civil society organizations.

• Raise awareness of local leaders, media and civil society representative at district level on the impacts of climate change and the need for integrating adaptation into local development plans.
• Train local planners: district development officers, district line agency personnel and village representatives – on the concepts of climate change projections, impacts and methods to integrate adaptation into local development planning.
• Transfer skills to training participants in understanding and applying tolls for community-based vulnerability assessment, risk assessment and identifying priorities for adaptation.
• Enhance participants’ abilities to facilitate participatory local development and adaptation planning within the framework of Nepal’s decentralized planning process.
• Create a pool of trainers, at central and regional level, proficient in delivering the training package for future local adaptation planning initiatives.

Project outputs
Output 1: Training manual for one week district-level course on Climate Change and Community-based Approaches to Local Adaptation Planning
Output 2: Training Monitoring Plan (2 copies to ADB and 4 hard copies and an electronic copy to the Government) to be submitted within four (4) weeks after the commencement of the Services.
Progress Report 1 : Including pre and post training survey reports for each district (2 copies to ADB and 4 hard copies and an electronic copy to the Government) to be submitted within twelve (12) weeks after the commencement of the services
Progress Report 2: including pre and post training survey reports for each district ( 2 copies to ADB and 4 hard copies and an electronic copy to the Government ) to be submitted within twenty four (24) weeks after the commencement of the Services.
Progress Report 3: Including pre and post training survey reports for each district( 2 copies to ADB and 4 hard copies and an electronic copy to the Government ) to be submitted within thirty six (36) weeks after the commencement of the Services.
Output 3: Follow-up Impact Assessment Report ( 2 copies to ADB and 4 hard copies and an electronic copy to the Government) to be submitted within forty ( 40 weeks after the commencement of the Services)
Final Report: with lessons learned and recommended best practices (2 copies to ADB and 4 hard copies to the Government, and a CD containing the Final Report to ADB and the Government.

The consortium team will deliver a training of approximately one week in each district based on modules selected from the training packages that have already been developed. The main target group for training is local government officers involved in district and village development planning. The training will also include introductory sessions on climate change that would also target a larger group of participants such as local leaders, media and local NGOs to raise awareness on the need for integrating climate change adaptation into local development planning.

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